Monday, March 31, 2008

ok this is my second time doing i new much??? lol

I made 3 of these. one for my mom, my cousin living here, and my other cousin (her sister), who came down to visit from vancouver for easter. this was my very first time using this set, (just got it last month).

Anywhoooo, i gave this to my cousins on easter sunday, that day we also went to the zoo! my fav was the new ray tank they made. your allowed to stick your hands in and the rays swim over top. they were no bigger than a foot. but the cuuutest things i've every seen. if i could explain what they'd look like, itb be like a dog fish kinda. i guess youd have to see em. ohh they also had the baby elephant out. another cutey!

ohh and im a little old to be saying this....but....the easter bunny came. lol. my mom still likes to surprise me with the baskit. expect this time no chocolates cuz i joined WW 3 weeks ago. but, even better, i got 2 new stamps! an easter bunny and a little girl in the snow. also a template where you cut "V"s and fold back every other cut, guess i'll need to make a card to show. YAY PROJECT!!!

The truck and eggs were colored with prismas, then used my new stickles glitter over top. stamped this big whimsy stamp from priceless in sage shadow over the same colored paper. ribbon is from Prima Ribbon.sentiment was punched with a scallop punch is sage shadow and then again with a circle punch (forget the size), in Pretty in Pink. then finished off with a heart brad. and was lifted with a dimentional.

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