Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fishie Scene!
high hopes challenge 21!!
i colored this scene awhile ago at work. needed to get it on a card, so this was what i came up with...
the fish and scene were colored with prismas and gamsol. fish was highlighted with stickles, and also around the square. brads were used as bubbles.
the corral was cut with a cuttlebug. blue paper was punched with an MS punch, light blue paper was cut with scissors.
light brown scallop square was cut using nesties.
stickles were used in the background as bubbles.

hope you enjoy!!!

stamps:high hopes
paper: cardstock
ink:stazon black
accessories: stickles, cuttlebug, nesties, prismas, gamsol, brads, MS punch, scissors, dimentionals, SU markers

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